Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Visit with the Carter's

The weekend before Christmas we were able to spend an evening with our good friends the Carter's. A wonderful meal was prepared by Melanie's parents and we were able to exchange presents with each other. The boys loved ripping open the gifts and rough housing with "Uncle Burt" while Ryan sat back and watched. I also enjoyed some time with the newest member of the family, Rose. What a cutie. All in all it was a great evening catching up and enjoying each other's company.

1 comment:

Alison said...

It always amazes me how circle of friends keep intertwining. I know Melanie Carter. She (and Ryan) attended Faulkner and I've worked there for over 15 yrs. I work with Ryan's sister, Sandi. Also, Melanie has a sister (Allison) who is married to my boss's son, Brandon Phillips.

Small World!!!

BTW - I have plastic cast cover that we used when Sean was in a cast. It completely protects the cast from getting wet, so Sean was still able to splash around in the tub and even swim (I think). I will look for it and let you know if I find it. you are more than welcome to use it.

BTW - I'm Cait's mom.