Friday, June 6, 2008

Who turned two? Blue knows.....

Okay, so a little, well, a lot late and a little cheesy title, but hey, I am not that creative. Nicholas loves, loves, loves Blue's Clues so for his birthday, April 12th by the way, that is what the theme was. When he woke from his nap and walked into the kitchen to see the decorations, limited at that, but still...he was so excited and just kept saying Blue, Blue, Blue, over and over again. It was cute. We had two of his friends over to celebrate with pizza and cake. We also opened presents that they so generously brought. It was fun watching them play and eat together. All and all a wonderful 2nd Birthday I would say. More pictures to come of his tricycle he received and the mud puddles he was able to play in later that day. He was definitely loving his birthday then!

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