Friday, October 3, 2008

Joshua- 9 months old

Joshua is 9 months old today. I really can't believe it. Time is just flying by. We had his check-up this morning and all is well. He weighs 19lbs 8 oz (30%), is 28.25 inches long(50%) and is still in the 70% for head circumference. At 6 months he outweighed Nicholas and was longer, but this time around he is lighter and shorter. That would be because he is SO much more active than Nicholas was at this time even though he eats like a champ. He wants to eat what we have and do it himself. He will let me feed him yogurt or applesauce, but that's about it. He is crawling like crazy, pulling up, cruising the couch, trying to climb up and this past weekend he let go and stood for a couple of seconds. Dr. T says I am in trouble. He still has no teeth however. So, there you have it....and here are a few pictures to show how he has grown.

Joshua's favorite expression. I am not sure where his lip goes and look at that chin. I love it.

Enjoying his time eating. Nicholas even asks to get involved every once in awhile.

Showing off matching shirts Grandma and Grandpa O. gave to the boys. Here Joshua is sitting, standing and getting ready to be tackled by his big brother. He laughs at it and all is well until Nicholas forgets he is bigger and can hurt him. I am enjoying this phase where Nicholas actually wants to play with Joshua now.


Stacey Cannon said...

Oh my gosh I remember JUST talking to you when he was born!! How crazy fast the time flies! He is a doll!! And those big gorgeous eyes...Such a sweetie! It is precious to watch them play together isn't it?!?! ((HUGS))

Lauren W said...

Yay! You updated your blog. The boys are so adorable and are getting cuter every day. I am so happy for you and Burt. Come swing on the playground soon.